diditzulu on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/diditzulu/art/Feel-my-soul-145370945diditzulu

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Feel my soul



One of my Fav-modeLs, Miss Lolita..

:iconlolitaputri27: -- :smoking: hot

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:icondonotplz::iconusemyartplz: didit zulu.2009

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© 2009 - 2024 diditzulu
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CRCstinger's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

Wow, there really is nothing that i can say that will do this work any true justice, its just that good. So, in the spirit of giving a good critique, i'll try my best. Here we go . . .

First off, the angle/perspective is excellent. I like how what is behind her is blurred and quite simple, a cloudy blue sky. It does not detract from what we are supposed to be focused on, the beautiful model in the foreground.

Secondly, the model's pose is great. One hand on her chest and the other shielding her eyes from the sun's rays. Her gaze, off to the side and not upwards or straight forward, is excellent as well. Suggests that shes daydreaming, possibly preoccupied by something, or that some thing near her caught her attention at that precise moment.

Third, her attire is nice too. Fits the work very well. Love how the one strap is gently falling down her arm, slightly off the shoulder. Gives a hint of sensuality.

Lastly, and most importantly , the model , is beautiful. She does a great job here. Definitely can feel some thing, a sense of longing, that need for acceptance or love, and sensuality just from looking at the work.

Oh, yeah . . and can't forget the photographer . . without them, none of this would be possible . .

Great Work!!